Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ultimate Cosmic Power

There are those times when I feel this excitement, when I want to go out and create something, contribute something. Sometimes the feeling comes in the wake of the new and inspiring; sometimes after a period of personal trial. But it's an amazing feeling.

The feeling can sometimes be like a surge of energy, best described by Aladdin's Genie as "Ultimate Cosmic Power!!"

Other times, it's that quiet reminder of my own divine potential.

I came across this video on Youtube sponsored by an international church organization called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They have a series of "Mormon Messages" that I find particularly uplifting. This one hit home and I thought it would be nice to share. To clear up any questions as to the religious implications of this video, I'm not attempting to sponsor or support any particular religion. We come together with various beliefs and faiths, and I have a deep respect for this diversity. Though even in our differences, I believe there are truths that resonate with all of us.

(Click on the link to be directed to Youtube if the video above is not working)

(Voice of Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.
No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. Everyone can create. You don't need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.
You might say I'm not the creative type. If that is how you feel, think again. And remember that you are spirit daughters of the most creative being in the universe. Isn't it remarkable to think that your very spirits are fashioned by an endlessly creative and eternally compassionate God. Think about it. Your spirit body is a masterpiece, created with the beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination.

[ Creation is your opportunity in this life... and in the life to come. Start small. Creativity does not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Don't let the voice of critics paralyze you. You will make the world a better place.]

The more you trust and rely upon the spirit, the greater your capacity to create.


Sharole said...


I would agree with that, humans do have an innate desire to create.

I recall many times sitting and thinking about creating some new thing that would be helpful or make life easier, to beautify things, and so on.

Guess what video Gigi is looking at right at this moment? Aladdin, smile. I can't see myself ever wanting Cosmic Power, not in this life anyway. Seems these days the more power one has, the higher the chance they mess it up. It's my security side coming out.

It seems a while ago since I last felt a surge of inspiration and excitement flow through my veins, it's a great feeling. Hopefully it will hit again before I know it.

As to creating life that is something that most women feel the desire to do in this life, and men for that matter. It's one sure way to leave a legacy on earth.

My father says having children is his greatest joy. To gain a body is the first important step of life to be able to become like our father in Heaven. We have to thank our parents for that gift, and after that it's up to us if we make a positive affect or a negative effect....

Thanks for sharing Em.

Emily said...

Great comment Sharole. Your last comment about creating life is definitely something wonderful and exciting. I never thought I would be nervous about it.

Ha!! So cute that Gigi was watching Aladdin! I was trying to find the video clip when the genie delivers the line, but I couldn't find it... had to settle for a picture. :)

hjoyferg said...

I will certainly agree that I get the intense need to create -something- every now & again. For me, it's usually that I need to write, draw, bake, collage, decoupage... something crafty. For others, I know it varies greatly! I agree that we as human beings do have it within us to create on a daily or at least regular basis. What Sharole mentioned about creating life - by far! Emily, I'm with you when you say that you're a bit nervous about this. Creation of life that you are then responsible for on many, many levels - what a formidable feat!

I, personally, have always been among the "lots of small things" crowd, which is why I think that I would rather create a bunch of small things that maybe can benefit many rather than have "Ultimate Cosmic Power" to do it all. I'm certainly no Wonderwoman! But I like the idea of being able to create something by myself or with someone. Sharing a creation with someone whether it be a painting, story, or child brings a great intimacy. In that same sense, creating something on your own sometimes gives me a sense of personal intimacy - which I treasure deeply.


Catalina Angelica Stancu said...

Well, I haven't checked this blog in a very long time, and I think you should keep up by posting Emmy. You have done a great job here.
Yes, we, as intelligent individuals, feel often the need to create. We can create wonderful things, or things that can cause harm. Is all about education and spirit.
As women, we have in our hands, something unique: power to create life, power to raise that life in an honorable way, to lead it's footsteps into becoming someone to be proud of, someone who lives with honor and respect, feeling that he/she was born for a cause. That cause is to help others like him/her see how valuable and important they are.
Sometimes here, in Romania, people have not the possibility to get a proper education, but they have the decency to develop their creating qualities, which, somehow gives them the feeling that they have a special capacity.
Our hands are special. They can be taught to create. We can write, we can type, we can cook, we can sow, we can knit, we can create life, we can build a family, keep it together, we can teach someone,...... and the list can continue.
All we have to do, is to remember that we can do wonderful things, and change our homes into a real paradise, by keeping peace and harmony, and by making things in order to bring a smile on the others faces.
We need to educate our sensitivity, into feeling that we need peace, and also we must educate ourselves in order to stand up for the values we believe in.
I hope to see very soon a new post from you on this blog, that I like so much,
Thank you Emmy.